Craig Hobson

March 27, 2014

Follow up on Trade Show Leads for Maximizing ROI

It’s the end of a trade show. Your presence was well received. You met great people. You managed to generate a number of useful leads. All in all, it was a fantastic trade show. You carry the buzz, the excitement, the energy with you as you board the plane or unwind with friends and colleagues. After all, this kind or success calls for a celebration. You return home happy. The prospects look good. You carry the […]
March 22, 2014

Appointment Setting for Lead Generation

Lead generation is the very first step in the B2B sales process. Without a lead, who do you sell to? Because of this need, lead generation has, in a relatively short period of time, grown to become a big business. Be it online or offline, there’s today a proliferation of lead generation service providers offering a range of services aimed at serving the B2B market. The harsh reality though, is that not every lead is the […]
March 22, 2014

Making Working From Home Fun

The idea of working from home attracts everybody at some point or the other. People who commute to an office envy those who don’t have to. Sitting in the office, most of us have indulged in daydreams about working from the comfort of our home. The challenges of discipline and distraction while working from home that people face are not always the easiest to overcome. The first few days or even months may be great and […]
February 11, 2014

The Importance of a Well Maintained Database

For a business, proper management of the client database can go a long way in improving sales, ensuring client satisfaction and tracking profitability of each client. A client database — with information like client contact information, purchase history and marketing responses — makes it an important asset of the company. For it to be effective, a client database should be designed to store large amounts of data while being simple to maintain. It should be well […]